Tuesday, April 9, 2013

She Wear the Chuck Chuck Taylors...

...Just like her feet been tailored? Not exactly imaginative.

So I searched for songs that talked about Chuck Taylors and each song was equally ridiculous. Or awful. Oh well.

Anywho, NEW POST! YAY! I'm still alive! I have no excuses, I just haven't posted. I'm sorry. I did go to Seattle for a weekend which was a ton of fun. The weather could not have been more perfect.

So I've had at least 4 people show me this picture and tell me I should try it. And because I'm a people pleaser, I did. Here's the result:
I can't free hand to save my life
Not TERRIBLE, and it's fun for a couple days. I think it looks better in person. Here are some close ups, click to embiggen as always:

I actually have a nail stamp of laces, but I wanted to do a tutorial that everyone could do even if they didn't have stamping equipment. Sorry I'm terrible at straight lines. FYI, you could use a black sharpie for the black line. It would probably be easier than using nail polish. I didn't think of it until I was done.


I hope this was worth the wait. I'm not positive it was... but I hope so!

Thanks for reading, as always!!

1 comment:

  1. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbtc30G9ke1rytn9zo1_500.jpg !!


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